Seaweed for Suffolk County

Suffolk County faces a ripe opportunity to create and benefit from a thriving seaweed industry by adding seaweed aquaculture to its lease program. Through our enthusiasm and partnership with the county for efforts both currently underway and future, we at Lazy Point Farms encourage and endorse this proposed effort.

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Kids These Days

As a process-art person, I do not see my work on this curriculum as a finished product. It will only really begin to take shape once it’s utilized by educators. I want this material to live, breathe and evolve, and I will continue to serve as a consultant, connecting teachers with experts and other teachers, allowing students to showcase their work publicly. Even if they have more questions than answers.

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If You Build It

Each grower we work with has unique challenges and strengths in their kelp program. Some enjoy a direct working relationship with a township that can construct a greenhouse, which we’ve been grateful to support. Others do fine with a smaller greenhouse. Others will land massive amounts of kelp soon, and a greenhouse won’t do- but we aren’t yet to the point of needing a large-scale machine.

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